



VANCE DESIGN万城设计由中国知名建筑室内设计师刘旭创立,专注研究奢适人居环境,设计至悦至美生活,以别墅大宅的全案定制为主体,提供从建筑、室内、景观、软装、产品到工程实施的一体化解决方案,为上市公司企业家、金融高管、科技新贵等财富圈层客户定制理想之家。


Founded by Chinese famous architectural and interior designer, Liu Xu, Vance Design focus on the pluralistic design of luxurious residence and private villa, providing comprehensive solutions covering fields of architecture, interior, landscape, soft decoration, product and execution, in an effort to build tailored ideal house for upper class including entrepreneur, executives and young hi-tech millionaires.

Adhering to the original aspiration of “Build Spiritual Residence for Excellent Life With Humanity and Aesthetics” more than ten years, Vance Design learns from ideal lifestyles and surpasses them via strong culture with an eye to the international trends. Vance Design introduces art into projects and innovates the tailored life systems according to the practical needs and spiritual expectation of clients. With flexible senses and multiple interests, Vance Design successfully combines the landscape, ecology and nature with human, delivering strong and elegant aesthetic energy. What's more, smart and convenient forward technology allows clients to have infinite imagination for excellent life.


关键词: 人居环境 超然物外 上市公司

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